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《“MUILTIPLAYER”》是一款非常有趣的解谜游戏。玩家可以使用鼠标右键来切换不同的视角,在同一时间时扮演3个不同的角色(只是3个胶囊啦:~) )合作完成谜题。只要所有的角色到达了与自身颜色相同的玩家检查点,谜题就算完成。(玩家1 : 蓝色| 玩家2 : 红色 | 玩家3 : 绿色/// 注意,按钮与玩家检查点要分清楚。可以放置方块的按钮上有白色光圈。玩家检查点上却没有。)

"MUILTIPLAYER" is a very interesting puzzle game. Players can use the right mouse button to switch between different perspectives, and play 3 different roles at the same time (just 3 capsules :~) ) cooperate to complete the puzzle. The puzzle is complete as long as all characters reach the player's checkpoint of the same color as themselves. (Player 1: Blue | Player 2: Red | Player 3: Green /// Note that the buttons are clearly distinguishable from the player's checkpoint. There is a white circle on the button where blocks can be placed. But not on the player's checkpoint.)

[Disclaimer: I am Chinese and I am only 12 years old. These are all GOOGLE translation results, if there are errors, or you have any suggestions, please remind me. gmail :】


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we only have Mac and Windows download virtion sorry~        : /

thanks for download  :  )

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